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The 10 weirdest photos of The Beatles

Undoubtely The Beatles were one of the most photographed band in history. If you consider how many pictures were taken of the fab four you could notice there's a picture for more than every day of their lives which is crazy. Being in front of the photo lenses all the time sometimes took out some silly or misbehaving moments from The Beatles which were of course as always preserved for further watching.

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Here we present a collection of the weirdest photos about The Beatles.

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In Inuit gear for 'Another Beatles Christmas Show' in December 1964, the boys anticipate the Bergen-inspired popularity of Fair Isle jumpers and that

Wish you were here: Hats off to the lads, resplendent in their knickbocker glory

With some young admirers on Miami Beach, 18th February 1964

Years before acid, the Beatles dressed like this for TV spectacular 'Around the Beatles' at Rediffusion's Wembley TV Studios, 28th April 1964

A touch of the Hannibal Lecters as the The Beatles try on smog masks on before playing at the Ardwick Theare, Manchester, 7th December 1965

Ringo with glass eyes when the Beatles' details were being taken for their Madame Tussauds waxworks during the making of A Hard Day's Night, Twickenham Film Studios, 12 March 1964

Father John and Mountie Paul with Georgie Fame at the fancy dress 21st birthday party thrown for Fame's girlfriend Carmen Jiminez at the Cromwellian Club, London, 8 January 1967

With instruments belonging to Police Band, Civil Reception, Town Hall, Friday 10th July 1964

Note Lennon's smirk as George fails to see the funny side of another photo stunt, 7th June 1964

the mess left at San Francisco airport after 1000 Beatles fans came to see them touch down for the start of their American tour, 21st August 1964

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