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The fan who mailed herself to The Beatles

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June 1966: 12-year-old Beatles superfan Carol Dryden of Sunderland, England came up with an ingenious scheme to meet the Fab Four. She packaged herself inside a box and arranged to have a friend mail her to them — addressed "to the Beatles, care their fan club, London." Shipping cost $8.47.

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But Carol Dryden only got as far as the railway station, where a clerk noticed the box she was in wobbling back and forth. Inside of it, Dryden, overheated and running out of air because she hadn't made any holes in the box, was trying to take off her sweater.

Carol Dryden confessed, "I hadn't thought about fresh air or food. All I wanted was to see the Beatles. I don't know what I would have done had I really arrived on their doorstep. I suppose I would have fainted." The railroad refunded the freight charge.

Source: Rochester Democrat and Chronicle - June 16, 1966

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