Who is who on Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover
In 1967 a special album cover was created. The Beatles held a photo session in the presence of countless paper- and wax figures on March 30th. For John Lennon's recommendation Orson Welles, Jesus Christ and Hitler would have appeared on the cover photo but later it was reconciled by The Beatles due to unpredictible future reactions (however they can be seen on some other photos). This collection of the appearing characters and the original photos will reveal who is who on Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover.
Vote your favorite Beatles songs!Yukteswar Giri: Guru, George Harrison's inspiration

Aleister Crowley: Occultist

Mae West: Hollywood actress

Lenny Bruce: Stand-up comedian

Karlheinz Stockhausen: Composer, inspiration of The Beatles unreleased Carnival of Light

WC Fields: Comedian

Carl Gustav Jung: Psychotherapist and author

Edgar Allen Poe: author

Marlon Brando: Actor

Sir Robert Peel: reformer of the British justice system

Bob Dylan: Singer, songwriter

Johnny Weismuller: Hungarian/American actor, athlete, known as Tarzan

Dylan Thomas: poet/author

Tony Curtis: Actor

Shirley Temple: Hollywood child celeb of the 1930's

HG Wells: author

Lewis Carroll: author, inspiration for I'm the Walrus

Wax figures of The Beatles from Madame Tussauds

Oscar Wilde: author

Stuart Sutcliffe: artist, former bass player of The Beatles

Alberto Vargas' painting titled "Vargas girl"

Marlene Dietrich: Singer, actress

Aubrey Beardsley: Graphic artist

Karl Marx: Philosophian, socialist revolutionarist

Stan Laurel: Comedian known fromLaurel and Hardy

Tom Mix: protagonist of early western movies

Wax figure of Diana Dors

Paramahansa Yogananda: Indian yogi, guru

Tommy Handley: Liverpudlian comedian

George Petty "Two girls in lavender" painting

Dion: singr, songwriter

Albert Stubbins: FC Liverpool footaller

Tyrone Power: Hollywood actor

HC Wastermann: Artist

Laurel Hardy figure

Mahavar Babaji: yogi

Iahiri Mahasaya: indian yogi

Bobby Breen: Hollywood-i child star

Max Miller: Stand-up comdeian

James Joyce: (semi-obscuredg bhind TE Lawrence): author

RAOB legionary

Stephen Crane: American author, poet and journalist

Timothy Carey: (behind George mögött) American actor

Bette Davis: (mostly behind George) American actress

Huntz Hall: Actor

Leo Gorcey: Actor (later he was erased from the released album because he demanded money for his appearance)

Albert Einstein: physisist

Larry Bell: artist

Shirley Temple

Sophia Loren és Marcello Mastroianni

Marilyn Monroe: actress, singer

Dr. David Livingstone: discovrer

George Bernard Shaw: drama writer (wax figure)

TE Lawrence: archeologist, officer, author (wax figure)

Aldous Huxley:

Terry Southern: author

Wax figure of Sonny Liston

William Burroughs author

RAOB legionary, maybe John Lennon's uncle, Charlie

Simon Rodia: artist

Gandhi: Indian politician and movement leader

Fred Astaire: dancer, Hollywood legend

Richard Merkin: artist

Richard Lindner: artist

Issy Bonn: comedian, singer

Wallace Bermann: artist

source: thebits.hu
Beatles, Beatles song, Beatles song, Beatles cover, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, beatle, song, songs, music, sgt peppers