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A legjobb Beatles dalok. Eredmények, listák, statisztikák

Szavazatszámláló: 488911

Az elmúlt 365 nap legjobb Beatles dalai

1. A Day in the Life (Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band)
2. Strawberry Fields Forever (Magical Mystery Tour)
3. Hey Jude (Single / Past Masters)
4. While My Guitar Gently Weeps (White Album)
5. It's Only Love (Help!)
6. When I'm Sixty-Four (Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band)
7. Here Comes the Sun (Abbey Road)
8. Penny Lane (Magical Mystery Tour)
9. Golden Slumbers/ Carry that Weight/ The End (Abbey Road)
10. I'm Only Sleeping (Revolver)

A közelmúlt legnépszerűbb Beatles dalai

1. She Said She Said (Revolver)
2. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite (Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band)
3. She's a Woman (Single / Past Masters)

A múlt hónap legjobb Beatles dala

I'm Only Sleeping (Revolver)

A legjobb Beatles dalok albumonként

A Hard Day's Night: A Hard Day's Night (1964)
Abbey Road: Golden Slumbers/ Carry that Weight/ The End (1969)
Beatles for Sale: Every Little Thing (1964)
Help!: Help! (1965)
Let It Be: Let It Be (1970)
Magical Mystery Tour: I Am the Walrus (1967)
Please Please Me: Please Please Me (1963)
Revolver: Eleanor Rigby (1966)
Rubber Soul: Norwegian Wood (1965)
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band: A Day in the Life (1967)
White Album: While My Guitar Gently Weeps (1968)
With the Beatles: All My Loving (1963)
Yellow Submarine: It's All Too Much (1969)

A legjobb Beatles dalok év szerint

1963: Please Please Me (Please Please Me)
1964: I Feel Fine (Single / Past Masters)
1965: Norwegian Wood (Rubber Soul)
1966: Eleanor Rigby (Revolver)
1967: A Day in the Life (Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band)
1968: Hey Jude (Single / Past Masters)
1969: Golden Slumbers/ Carry that Weight/ The End (Abbey Road)
1970: Let It Be (Let It Be)

A legjobb Beatles album

Magical Mystery Tour (1967)

A legjobb Beatles dal kislemezen

Hey Jude (1968)

A legrosszabb Beatles dal

Dig It (1970)

A legrosszabb Beatles album

With the Beatles (1963)

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