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3 Live Concerts from the Beatles Every Fan Should See

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When your fame reaches a point where touring becomes impractical, you know you've truly made it. This was the situation for the British rock sensation, The Beatles, during the zenith of their existence in the mid-to-late 1960s. Their immense popularity, massive fanbase, and constant adoration led The Beatles to bid farewell to touring. Paradoxically, this decision granted them more time for music composition.

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Fortunately, a handful of recorded shows allow us a glimpse into the time when The Beatles still performed live for their audience.

Below, we present three such shows that every devotee of The Beatles should watch and commit to memory. Without further delay, let's delve into them.

1. Australia (1964)

Captured in black-and-white, this 25-minute set showcases 10 songs from The Beatles, including classics like "She Loves You," "Can't Buy Me Love," and "Twist and Shout." Even on the southern hemisphere, the cheers from the fans are overwhelming. It's difficult to fathom squeezing through a doorway amidst such adoration, yet The Beatles seamlessly moved from one tune to the next. Watch it below.

2. Washington D.C. (1964)

Another black-and-white performance from 1964, this concert unfolded in the United States capital, Washington D.C. The 40-minute show features hits such as "I Saw Her Standing There," and "She Loves You." Showcasing the harmonious sound the group became renowned for, along with the playful bubblegum lyrics predating their psychedelic era, this concert offers a fantastic snapshot of The Beatles' mid-60s prowess. Watch it below.

3. Tokyo (1966)

Following their 1966 tour, The Beatles ceased live performances. Consequently, this Tokyo, Japan show stands as one of their final concerts as the former Mop Tops. Presented in color, the performance includes songs like "Day Tripper," "Nowhere Man," and "Paperback Writer." Although the concert's quality isn't pristine, it serves as an incredible historical document. Watch it below.

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